The Traditionalist: the Plague of Liberalism
Victor Davis Hanson // Art19 and Just the News
View ArticleWhat Is Woke Really About?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Most Americans were as indifferent to the unexpected loss of our Olympic women’s soccer team as they were once excited about their World Cup win. In between...
View ArticleIncompetence + Arrogance = Woke
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness We know the nature of mass hysterias in history, and how they can overwhelm and paralyze what seem to be stable societies. We know the roots and origins of...
View ArticleOptimism, Inc.: The Crushing Weight of Lies
Victor Davis Hanson // VDH’s Blade of Perseus One reason why I remain optimistic about the impending end of wokism and the failure of the cultural revolution is that the dangers they pose are...
View ArticleVaccination Weaponization
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness It was always going to be Herculean to inoculate, with an untried vaccine, a multi-ethnic nation of 330 million, across a vast continent—in an era when the...
View ArticleEeyore’ Corner: Trumpistics
Victor Davis Hanson // VDH’s Blade of Perseus Part One: Trump, RIP? In January-February 2021, Trump’s future was problematic. He was kicked off social media. And without his accustomed megaphones,...
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